What is a Computer?
What makes a computer, exactly? Learn about how they work.
6 Modules:
- Paperwork Panic
- Enter Digiball
- What's In, What's Out?
- Puffball Party
- World Inside
- The Mystery Device

What Do We Use Computers For?
Computers have many places in our modern life.
3 Modules:
- The Call Conundrum
- Packing Problem
- The Special Class

What is data? Learn about information, how to learn from it, and how a computer handles it.
5 Modules:
- The Sock Race
- The Missing Sock
- The Sock Situation
- The Rumbling Monster
- The Annual Sock Party

When Something Doesn't Work
Tips and tricks to troubleshoot common computer errors.
2 Modules:
- Error Terror
- Game On!

Algorithms and Programming
Learn about the programming process.
4 Modules:
- Watch Your Step
- Follow the Manual
- The Emergency
- Ask Permission First

Online Safety
Get familiar with the Internet... and how to navigate it safely and respectfully.
4 Modules:
- A Safe Place
- Guard It!
- Password Fiasco
- The Secret Message

Then Versus Now
Technology has changed much over the years. Let's take a closer look.
2 Modules:
- A Karate Tale
- Then vs Now