Level 1 Tynker Certified Educator
Demonstrate basic knowledge of the Tynker platform and curriculum.
Our certifications demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in teaching K-12 coding with Tynker. The certification levels are designed to showcase the growth in your practice as you progress from initial familiarity with the Tynker platform and programming languages to expert levels with deep knowledge of computational thinking concepts and computer science pedagogy.
Participate in free training
webinars from each level
Track your progress with our
training worksheet
Submit an application for
each level you complete
Demonstrate basic knowledge of the Tynker platform and curriculum.
Demonstrate deeper knowledge of concepts and core subject integration.
Demonstrate mastery of advanced concepts and K-12 CS pedagogy.
Tynker’s PD sessions are a great opportunity for you to explore how to incorporate Tynker into your curriculum.
Learn moreThis program is for educators who are dedicated to making computer programming and coding an integrated part of students’ everyday lives.
Learn more