FREE Summer PD: Tynker Blocks & AP Computer Science
Go deeper with Tynker in our summer professional development bootcamps!
Summer 2022 is coming and we are thrilled to offer three different summer professional development boot camps to prepare teachers for the coming school year. These boot camps give teachers time to dive into Tynker content, practice coding, collaborate with other educators, and develop classroom strategies.
Best of all, not only are these bootcamps free, we’re even including (limited) yearlong Tynker Premium licenses for completing the bootcamp of your choice so you can use what you learn with your students in the new school year. One license per school.
Each camp will be one entire week of virtual content with sessions and time to practice skills. The first two camps focus on College Board-aligned Advanced Placement courses, and we also have a week of camp in partnership with our friends at Infosys Foundation USA for K-7 teachers using Tynker Blocks. Join us for the camp that will benefit your students the most!
- All sessions start at 11 a.m. Eastern Time and will be finished by 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time
- Space is limited and seats will be allocated on a first come-first served basis. Apply today to reserve your spot.
- Questions? Email us at EducatorSupport@tynker.com
AP Computer Science A Bootcamp
Dates: Monday, August 1 – Friday, August 5, 2022
A 5-day virtual training workshop for teachers planning to teach Tynker’s unique AP CS A Java course. Unlike any other curriculum, Tynker’s integrated interactive course uses a variety of ways to support student learning, including coding puzzles, games, autosaved student progress, inline code editors, real-time feedback, and regular knowledge checks. Teachers will leave with a thorough understanding of the student course as they explore Java programming concepts, try hands-on coding labs, and understand the scoring rubrics. Valuable Tynker and College Board resources will be shared with all participants, including test resources, daily videos, classroom topic questions, teacher communities, and much more.
AP Computer Science Principles Bootcamp
Dates: Monday, August 8 – Friday, August 12, 2022
A 5-day virtual training workshop for teachers planning to teach Tynker’s unique AP CS Principles course. Unlike any other curriculum, Tynker’s integrated interactive course uses a variety of ways to support student learning, including coding puzzles, games, autosaved student progress, inline code editors, real-time feedback, and regular knowledge checks. Teachers will leave with a thorough understanding of the student course as they explore programming concepts, try hands-on coding labs, and understand the scoring rubrics. Valuable Tynker and College Board resources will be shared with all participants, including test resources, daily videos, classroom topic questions, teacher communities, and much more.
Creative Computing with Tynker Blocks
Virtual Pathfinders Summer Institute from Infosys Foundation USA (US teachers only)
Monday, July 18 – Friday, July 22, 2022
Join us for a deep exploration of Tynker’s unmatched K-12 coding curriculum that consistently builds computer science skills in order for coding to be used to create in any classroom. In this professional development series, you will explore Tynker curriculum, actively create in the Tynker Block coding workshop, engage in strategies that allow students to show what they know with code in any class, get hands-on experience with physical computing devices, collaborate on inclusive STEM driven instructional strategies, and more. All instruction will be provided virtually and all participants will have completed the coursework to become Tynker Distinguished Educator certified by the conclusion of sessions with some post-session student achievement progress needed to fully complete the process. You will need to
- login to Infosys Foundation USA’s online platform,
- find the PathFinders Summer Institute section, and
- scroll to the right to find the Tynker registration
Looking for even more awesome FREE Tynker professional development? Bookmark our training page for our regularly updated schedule of effective, engaging web-based PD sessions, available both live and on-demand.